Tuesday, August 31, 2010


My boss resigned this morning.

I have two weeks left at my internship.

Morale killer!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


It's been nearly a month!  Yikes!

Well, I updated all the links to my online articles... so you can check those out if you'd like!

Also, here is a link to one of my articles that was published through Phoenix Woman Magazine (online).  You'll notice it's not my name on the by line... yeah... But it is my article.

I had dinner tonight with Kieren and Kelly (it's Kieren's 22nd tomorrow!) to celebrate Kieren's birthday, and new job, and hear about how ADPi's recruitment went.  It was AWESOME!  We got to catch up and laugh - not much more I could ask for.

I've been proactively updating my LinkedIn... but it's still not what it should be - anyone have any suggestions on it?

Toni got moved into the dorms at SUNY on Tuesday, her room looks adorable!

And here's a little bit of Pittsfield...
