Saturday, February 19, 2011

#5 This Date Started With Love - If That's Not Fast I Don't Know What Is

Photography: Chibis Can Rule on Deviantart
The Meet-Cute: I'm in college and it's Valentine's Day. Just like every year, couples are packing into restaurants to re-kindle their love. So me and two of my friends decide to go to La Salsa - the least romantic "restaurant" within walking distance of our dorm. Our predictions were right, besides three straight-looking guys, we are the only ones to choose this semi-fast food chain. Perfectly low key for a bunch of singles to escape on this day of love. I notice one of them is cute and smile as I walk by. I face their table and as I sit to eat I see Guy look up and smile at me; you know, the type of smile that would make any girl swoon. I blush and goofily grin back. We're about to leave when I mention to my girls that I want to stop and say something to this guy because I he's pretty adorable. It just so happens one of my girls knows him - what a great introduction! We chat for a second and he says we should hang out, so he asks for my phone and puts his number and name in with a :) after it.

Our too-happy journey: We start talking later that night, and soon after begin hanging out once a day.We have the same kind of "fun-loving but aware of our responsibilities" personality and click immediately. About two weeks in, he starts talking about becoming an official couple. I basically say, "Why rush things when we are still getting to know each other?" We continue along and a few days later we're walking through campus holding hands (funny how when you're on the outside you ache at any declaration or manifestation of love no matter how small; the tables can turn in the blink of an eye) and he squeezes my hand. I squeeze back. He says, "every time I squeeze your hand three times it means I love you. It can be our secret way of reminding each other how much we mean in the other's life." Now, I'm not sure if he felt entitled to feeling this way so early because we met on the most romantic Hallmark holiday of the year or not; either way it freaked me out. I had just pulled back a few days earlier and now he's hitting me with the L-word. Needless to say, later that night I told him it was moving too fast and I just wasn't comfortable with it.

This is the type of "dating disaster" that I look back on and think, "Was it really so bad that he liked me that much that soon?" After all he was athletic, polite, played an instrument, was smart enough to be in the geek clubs and leadership clubs on campus AND went through a surgery to save his sister's life - your everyday Superman. Oh, and did I mention he was hot? I must have some issue with wanting to be fairytale happy.


  1. Interesting. My ex and I used to have a particular way of squeezing each others hands to indicate we loved each other (at the time). But ya, nothing worse then the L word early on. Perhaps it coukd have been good after a while occupy had stuck with him, but something tells me it would probably have been imbalanced and he would always have been more into you than you him etc. And that stuff tends to make things messy on the ends of it. Was most likely the best move to cut it short.

  2. Yeah, thinking you shouldn't have let this one go :-) Little creepy though to pull out the L word so early, but crazier things have happened. Love you sis!
