Thursday, March 3, 2011

#7 This Date Is Not Playing to My Heart

Serenading me and playing the piano? Yes. (plus it's the Biebs)
Singing the notes and playing an air piano during lunch? No.
The Meet-Cute: An old acquaintance. We bumped into each other at the University near the student union.

The Date: It is a beautiful February day, so we decide to get lunch at one of the restaurants on University which allow you to sit outside and watch other collegians that are meandering around instead of going to class. We talk very easily with each other - actually he talks a lot, and every few minutes I get a word in. But he does enjoy that one word. About two hours into this date (just realizing that my dates are notoriously long) we are discussing music. He is very talented in this department. He plays something like 4 instruments and has a beautiful singing voice. We are discussing his favorite artist - who I won't name, but think along the lines of Elton John - and all the sudden he is playing an air piano and singing. What was he singing? Well, it doesn't matter what song, it matters that he wasn't actually singing the lyrics, he was singing the notes. You know, like how people will "sing" a guitar solo? Yeah. Like that. Except it's NOT a guitar solo, it's not even a piano solo, it's just the piano's part. I'm all for having fun and doing dorky things in public, so when he started I was into it and laughed and bobbed my head to the beat. After 10 seconds pass my smile turns into that awkward situation where your mouth is in the shape of a smile, but your eyes are almost frightened looking. At the 1 minute mark my cheeks are flush and I begin fidgeting and sifting through my purse to avoid eye contact with any and everyone, because at this point there is nobody within a 30 ft radius that is not staring at us. When he finishes I say something similar to, "Wow, you really know piano". Awkward right?

Post-Date: So, even though the air piano freaked me out a little I decided it wasn't a deal breaker. We had a second date and THAT was the deal breaker. And now you have another post to look forward to.


  1. OMG. This cracks me up. I can totally picture that frightened but smiling face too!! :)
